is Our

I N T R O D U C I N G   H A K

    Our vision for HAK (Healthy Asian Kitchen), is simple. Using the principles of ancient Ayurveda (that food is medicine), our aim is to deliver delicious, plant-based healthy Asian food to nourish your body and soul. We want to bring this yummy ‘Food Pharmacy’ concept to you by bridging the gap between convenience and wellness.

    All of our plant-based dishes and recipes have been carefully developed by doctors to enhance the food’s nutritional value. Each recipe is prepared without dairy, refined sugar, gluten or wheat, is low GI (Glycaemic Index) as well as anti-inflammatory. We carefully select high quality ingredients as well as spices and aromatics chosen for their specific healing properties. Our focus isn’t just on ingredients, though. We prepare and cook the food fresh daily in our kitchens using specific traditional Ayurvedic principles. The end result is tasty, nourishing, nutritious food to heal your body from the inside out, conveniently delivered straight to your door.

    Order from HAK’s menu and you’ll enjoy a fresh, thoughtfully prepared meal without feeling bloated or heavy, like you might after over-indulging in a late-night curry. You’ll have better sleep, increased energy levels and feel lighter overall, compared with eating a regular takeaway meal. If you have a craving for dessert at the end of the meal, dishes such as our mind-blowing almond kheer will satisfy your sweet tooth.

C O N V E N I E N C E  F O O D  W I T H  S O U L

    Growing up, HAK founder Sakshi was surrounded by the mouth-wateringly tasty yet nutritious Indian food prepared by her mum. A wonderful cook, she was passionate about improving traditional Indian recipes by finding healthy hacks for some of the key ingredients, such as maple syrup in place of refined sugar and chickpea flour instead of wheat flour.

    “I’ve always eaten healthier versions of foods, so you could say I’m a health foodie. If you give me a healthier version of something that already exists on the market, I will enjoy it far more than a normal person!” says Sakshi.
A background in biotechnology provided her with the ability to really understand the science of food and see clinical evidence that certain foods had important health benefits and medicinal properties.

    This passion to share knowledge and expertise, combined with an appetite for nourishing and wholesome meals, is where the idea for HAK was first born.

F O O D   P H A R M A C Y 

    The link between poor diet and chronic disease is well known and eating too much processed food, refined sugar and saturated fat can lead to many serious health conditions. We believe passionately that eating a healthy balanced diet, along with getting plenty of sleep and exercise is the strongest way to preventing and reversing chronic disease.
At HAK, we think of ourselves as a Food Pharmacy. Instead of popping a pill, why not use food as your medicine, (which also happens to taste delicious!) Our dishes have anti-inflammatory properties and contain plants, vegetables, beans, legumes and wholegrains that are packed full of nutrients to sooth, nourish and heal your body. All our meals are low GI and use slow release carbohydrates to avoid spikes in blood sugar. Our goal is to bring you back in touch with nature and to show you its power. These are everyday meals that will help you discover it’s not a punishment to eat well; it’s a delight to enjoy healthy Asian foods. We’re planning to add Thai, Korean, Chinese cuisine to our range of dishes in the future, that will follow the same principles.